Using iText To Edit PDF In Android

In this article, we are going to learn how to integrate and use iText library to edit PDFs in Android. You app idea might require you to create or edit PDF as an intermediate or final step. iText is the best library to create or edit PDFs. Integrate iText in your Project Adding iText is similar to adding any other library/dependency in your android project. Add statement below in you app....

August 13, 2018 · 3 min · Vivek Bhadauria

GSOC - 17 Pocket Science Lab : FOSSASIA

This is a little late for this post but anyways I drafted it during the GSOC-17 only, so I am posting it with some modification. My proposal for FOSSASIA PSLab was selected. Title : Develop an Android Science App for PSLab Experiments. A brief intro about Pocket Science Lab, its an Open Source Hardware Device which provides a lot of functionality that is required to perform a general scientific experiment. You can do a lot of other activities like monitoring motion using MPU6050 sensor by the add-on sensors which the device support....

October 29, 2017 · 3 min · Vivek Bhadauria